Join us on Tuesday June 6th, 2023 for the next “What’s New in Microsoft EDU” webinar! These 30 minute webinars are put on by the Microsoft Education Product Management group and happen once per month, at both 8:00am Pacific Time and 4:00pm Pacific time to cover as many global time zones as possible around the world. And don’t worry – we’ll be recording these and posting on our Microsoft Education YouTube channel in the new “What’s New in Microsoft EDU” playlist, so you’ll always to able to watch later or share with others!
Here is our June 2023 webinar agenda:
- What’s new in Microsoft Teams for EDU
- What’s new in M365 EDU
- AMA – Ask Microsoft EDU Anything (Q&A)
How to sign up
- OPTION 1: June 6th, Tuesday @ 8:00am Pacific Time: Register here
- OPTION 2: June 6th, Tuesday @ 4:00pm Pacific Time: Register here
Send us your questions ahead of time by adding yours into this form: WNIEDUWebinarJun23QnA
This is what the webinar portal will look like:
Picture of webinar sign up portal
We hope to see you on June 6th!
Mike Tholfsen
Group Product Manager
Microsoft Education